Dr. Jason Cong, co-founder of Falcon Computing Solutions, UCLA Chancellor’s Professor and Director of the Center for Customizable Domain-Specific Computing chaired the session on Heterogeneous Computing in Data Centers for Energy Efficiency at the recent ISLPED Conference in San Francisco, August 8th-10th, 2016 Dr. Peichen Pan from Falcon Computing Solutions presented an integrated solution that includes […]
FCS joins Xilinx Alliance Program
As a member of Xilinx’ Alliance Program, Falcon’s Merlin Compiler, Kestrel runtime and acceleration libraries are now certified to work with Xilinx FPGAs and tools.
Co-founder Dr. Jason Cong was selected to receive IEEE Computer Society 2016 Technical Achievement Award
Prof. Jason Cong, Falcon co-founder and chief scientific advisor, has been selected to receive the IEEE Computer Society 2016 Technical Achievement Award for his outstanding contributions in computer and information science and engineering. The society cited Cong “for setting the algorithmic foundations for high-level synthesis of field programmable gate arrays.” Merlin Compiler from Falcon is […]
Co-founder Dr. Jason Cong gave keynote speech at HALO’2015
Prof. Cong gave keynote speech entitled “Machine Learning on FPGAs” on November 5, 2022 at HALO’2015 (the First Workshop on Hardware and Algorithms for Learning On-a-Chip) co-located at the International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD’15) About HALO: Machine learning algorithms, such as those for image based search, face recognition, multi-category classification, and scene analysis, are […]
Falcon received the highly competitive Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) grant from the National Science Foundation in May 2015
Phase I Project Outcomes Report* This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project focuses on enabling energy-efficient customized computing for big data applications in datacenters. The most significant barrier for widespread adoption of FPGA-based customized computing is the difficulty in programming FPGAs. The innovation of this project includes the development of an automated compiler […]